"Street Ceramics" is a non-commercial ceramic project which takes place on Vesterbro in Copenhagen.
We are two ceramic artists who, in this particular project, use the streets as exhibition space.
If you incidentally happen to be on Vesterbro, from now to february, you can see our urbane ceramics.

In addition to this blog we also exhibit in Istedgade 107, where you can see

the time and dates of the planned happenings.

lørdag den 19. december 2009

19.dec. 2009 "Hunde i snor"

3 kommentarer:

  1. heI!jeg og mamma og karin sitter og ler!ser fantastisk ut!

  2. Så bra! Det var også fantastisk morsomt. Det er bra du sprer bloggen!

  3. JA! Kult! Det er jo fantastisk.
